Wednesday, October 8, 2008

God wants to talk to you. .

In this blog I have focused on adventure and the journey of life - at least I have tried to. Through the past couple of weeks after the news of being retrenched, I have gone through so many emotions. That in itself has been a journey. Many people have had me in their prayers and in my own Bible Study I have found so many messages of comfort and messages that kept me smiling. On my iGoogle homepage I have something called "Reminders from God" - this afternoon's message is: "Know I have prepared the way. My Spirit supplies the wisdom and strength for your journey" - now how can people not believe that our God is a living God???
He knows that I see life as a journey - He knows that I need strength and wisdom to find new employment. Last night I read about the new Jerusalem that is described in Revelations, I think it was Chapter 21. Whatever happens in the future, what a comforting thought to know that life on earth is temporary and that we should keep the focus of our journey to the goal of getting to the new Jerusalem.

1 comment:

RobC said...

Forgive me for not being up to speed but you are in our prayers.
Job also asked why but kept his focus.