Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Tree-lined road

One afternoon not so long ago rObC took me on a mini-adventure, to a 2.8km tree-lined road on the outskirts of Bloemfontein. It was in the middle of winter, but even then, this road was beautiful with the trees making a canopy of leaves above. We forgot the camera - which could have fitted in the top-box, so we vowed that we would take pictures of the trees in summer.

There is something about driving underneath a canopy of leaves that leaves me feeling breathless with awe.
In the trees, there are beehives, although there weren't as many as during the winter.
a Few people share my feelings about trees:
The groves were God's first temples.
~William Cullen Bryant, "A Forest Hymn" ~
The trees are God's great alphabet:
With them He writes in shining green across the world, His thoughts serene.
~Leonora Speyer~
There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.
~Minnie Aumonier~
Alone with myself, the trees bend to caress me, the shade hugs my heart.
~Candy Polgar~

1 comment:

RobC said...

Glad you could go back and get pictures of that avenue.