I have to take back every negative thing that I have ever said about love. .because. .
I am in love. .Truly. Utterly.
Two souls and one thought, two hearts and one pulse.
~ Halen ~
The life and adventures of..
Two souls and one thought, two hearts and one pulse.
~ Halen ~
To look for anything special outside of everyday activities is like brushing
away the waves to look for water.
KatieB - You have such a deep sense of self that it takes my breath away.
Your words portray you as a wise Mother of Earth. You create in me a feeling of such awe - I know I could not match your emotions with words the way that you have.
I would like to know you - to be soothed by the knowledge in your eyes..... You must be my soul mate.
You are a romantic. Your poetic ability towers above me. How can I hope that you will take notice of me?
I thank God for the person that you are - and that you have loved before, and for your hurt, and for your healing... Because without it you would never have known how to love anew.
I will pray for you forever and cherish you in my thoughts. And I will thank God forever for having met you over here. How I would love you with my eyes, my thoughts, my hands - FOREVER.
Ek wil he dat almal mag weet hoe lief ek jou het....
Ons hoor altyd in die kerk hoe ons na God se wil moet soek en na Sy Gees om daardie hol plekkie in ons te vul. Want ons is so geskape. Met die hol plekkie. Dit is Jesus s'n!
Ek was vir baie lank baie kwaad. Gedink ek gaan steeds kerk toe gaan. Dit het uiteindelik binne-in my opgedroog. Liefde? What a Joke!
Wou nie meer kerk toe gaan nie. Het uiteindelik ook nie meer nie. Daardie hol plekkie met my dogtertjie probeer vul. Maar sy kan nie daardie verantwoordelikheid neem nie.
En toe bring Jesus my op 'n ander manier terug na Hom. Hy laat my toe om die gaatjie te begin vul - met motorfietse. Ek het by jou - my liefling - by die Bike Shop ingestap. Nie geweet jy sit reeds vir my en wag nie. En ek kyk in jou oe en sonder dat ek dit weet, sonder dat ons nog een woord met mekaar gepraat het, weet ek: Jy is my Vrou.
Ek wou dit baie meer intiem gemaak het. Dalk is ek halsoorkop? Miskien moet ons dit meer kans gee?
Mag ek vir jou vra:
"All these promises that we make and we break. Why do people get married? Passion? No! Because we need a witness to our lives. There is a billion people on the planet. What does any one life really mean? But in a marriage you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the mundane things. All of it, all of the time, everyday. You're saying that your life will not go unnoticed, because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed, because I will be your witness."
Ek sal getuie wees vir jou lewe my liefde. Vir altyd.
K, ek is so bly jy het 'n "dansmaat" gevind... mag elke dag saam baie wonderlike gebeure meebring om te "witness"
My thoughts echo those of Moondancer.
You both have made sure of the foundation for your love.
Ek is SSSSSOOOOO bly!!! Het al geruime tyd gebid hiervoor. Hoop net jou liefling kyk mooi na jou, anders is dit ek en hy!! Ek het nie...
Baie sterkte, jy verdien dit dubbel en dwars. Sal altyd daar wees as jy my nodig het - dink darem jy weet dit.
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