Friday, December 7, 2007

Notes from the Universe

If you have a look at the links that I have listed on the right hand side of my blog, then you'll see that I have added a new one. Notes from the Universe.
The website where I found the notes was and they send you a note every day.
Some of these I have found truly inspirational like the one that said:

Think BIGGER, Katie
Yeah, bigger.

The Universe

I actually printed that note and stuck it on my Computer monitor, because that is exactly what I need to do.

Then today I received a note that said:

Keep doing new stuff.

Keep doing new stuff, Katie.

Keep doing new stuff.
The Universe

And as usual I read it and went further reading my other mails and doing what I usually do in a working day.
But later in the morning I found this thought still bouncing around in my head.

Keep doing new stuff??

Well actually that sounds amazing and that's exactly why this thought hit a nerve somewhere, because in the deepest part of my soul I yearn for exactly that! I keep on trying, doing and learning NEW things. I know that God has some destiny for me and I do not know what yet, so I figure all I can do, is to keep on trying new things, and in that way God is gently preparing me for exactly what He needs me to do. That is also why I love meeting new people. The diversity of people implies that they are unexplored mines of knowledge and things that can be learned, and usually they love telling and thus teaching other people about these things.

So. I will go on learning new things and my heartfelt appreciation for all the people that will spend time with me to teach me about the things that make them unique and special!
Immediately my thoughts go to rObC. When speaking about mines of knowledge he is a Platinum, Tanzanite, Diamond and Gold mine combined!!!

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