I did better! Look at this list..still not impressive I admit, but at least a little bit of an improvement.
- Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
- Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
- The Hunger Game - Suzanne Collins
- My Camino - in God se genade - Ieda Strutt
- a Voice in the Wind - Francine Rivers
- 5 Minute voor en na die dood - Isak Burger
- Yahweh - Jean Bradfield
- Good Work Secret Seven - Enid Blyton
- Alles wat Blink - Melissa Scharneck
- Van God: 'n Boodskap van Geloof - Retha en Aldo McPherson
- Die Lanternswaaier - S.D. Fourie
- Nou's ons in ons donner in - C. Johan Bakkes
- Die Kamferkis - Sjane van Aswegen
- Pa se stem (Vol 2) - Willie Burger
- Well done Secret Seven - Enid Blyton
- Secret Seven Adventure - Enid Blyton
- God's Mud Baby - Alison Marshall
- Secret Seven - Enid Blyton
- In the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice - Jean Alison Bradfield
- 'n Boodskap van God - Retha en Aldo McPherson (WG)
- The Prophet - Francine Rivers
- Fasting - Jentezen Franklin
- Die vreemdeling - Jaco Thom (WG)